Hello! My name is Jayyene

Hi everyone. I’m new here. Hope to learn so much from all of you in this forum.

Welcome to the community! Enjoy your stay here and good luck on your trading journey!

welcome to this community, this forum is full of education , i hope you will be knowledgeable from this trading place. happy trading, good luck

hi and welcome , enjoy your stay and feel free to ask any question you need to know

you can start with psychology of school which is the best solution for the traders who are particularly beginners.

for the beginners level education is the most important part but besides this a regular practice session is also important . so traders should focus on there also besides any kind of level education.

learn from pips school+ trading in a practice account = the best result for any beginners level.

Welcoooome! :blush: I’m sure you’re gonna learn a lot from the people here. Just don’t be scared to ask questions and interact with us! :smiley: Good luuuck!

Welcome to the community, Jayenne. Aside from learning from other members of the community, you’ll also learn a lot at the education section here. have you checked that out? Hope to hear more from you.