Hello My name is Lissette! Newbie

Hi everyone! My name is Lissette, I have no experience in trading but I plan to leave here with the knowledge this page has been intended to give to others. Super excited to connect and discuss throughout the forums. I am from Florida, currently finishing up some schooling and I decided to educate myself in this new world. Goodluck to everyone else. :slight_smile:

Good luck! Happy to see new traders like me

Welcome welcome Lisette! :blush: I have lots of Florida, and reading your intro just reminded me to reconnect with them this year! :sweat_smile:

But you just got here! :joy: Hahaha. :slight_smile: Youโ€™re at the right place to start so I suggest you absorb as much knowledge as you can to really get a good grasp of the basics.

hi and welcome . have a very good journey on there .

this place is full of education , you can start with psychology of school which is the best place for acquiring learning knowledge.