Hi my name is Shawn and I have been seeing stuff about forex for a little while now. So I’m here to learn more about it to see if it’s for me or not.
Good idea. Test it out first.
Hello Shawn. Good thing you’ve decided on learning and understanding what Forex is all about. Believe me that the market is much more different than what it looks like. Terms like pips, stop loss, moving average, MACD, stochastic oscillators, and a lot more are something that one doesn’t hear or use every day. Learning and understanding about these through the Pipsology school will definitely give you a clear picture of your future ahead in Forex. Hoping to see you trade!
A new forex trader has a lot of scope in the forex market but only if he knows that he’ll have to learn and practice hard to make the kind of profits he expects. You can start with reading Currency Trading for Dummies or Trading in the Zone to clear forex basics and move ahead with your practising on a demo account.