Hello Team how are you doing?

I am new to FOREX. Just trying to learn and make some money. I would appreciate any advice or assistance anyone would like to give.

Focus on learning how NOT to lose money instead. Without capital you cannot trade.

Welcome to the community, @yamoney. Start with the education section here. Then as you go along, open a demo account to practice what you’re learning. Just ask away if some things aren’t clear to you. Good luck on your fx trading journey.

Remember there is no quick and easy way to make money in forex trading. Hope you’ll have great time here and good luck on your trading journey!

Welcome to the community! This site will definitely help. My best advice is to stick with it, it can be a longer learning process and make take some time to start seeing the reward for your hard work, but it’s worth it if you stick with it and don’t give up. A lot of beginners come and go, only some stay and put in the work. I always hope to see everyone stay around and meet their goals but sadly, that just isn’t the reality.