Hello there, fellow apprentices and Masters (not Anakin)!

Name’s Josh, here to learn a few tactics to make money. I’m 17 and broke, kinda hope to be able to make myself a living with enough experience in Crypto, FX, shares and whatever else there is to learn. I know some basics, but tell me everything you know, since I don’t wanna miss out on anything there is to know.

A friend of mine is member of IM Academy and kinda got me into it. I’m no member of it, but I consider joining for a month or two, just to see what they have to offer and learn everything I can.I’m intruiged to get into it. Opinions?

Hmm except in this industry, it takes money to make money. Do you have a current source of income that doesn’t involve trading?

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pocket money which is none existend…no yeah, I have a job at a five star restaurant as waiter every saturday

There you go. At least there’s some source there. Could you work more days so you can save more money and grow your initial trading capital while learning how to trade? :slight_smile:

can you please ensure whats your current income ?

are you a part timer inn trading ?