Hello there! Who am I and why did I start trading?

Hello, I am new here of course otherwise I wouldn’t be talking to you on this page haha.

My name is William or you can call me Will for short, my mum calls me by my full name if I’ve done something wrong lol.

Anyway let’s be serious and why I am trading the forex market. I’ve always wanted to trade but never really had the spare time to sit down and watch countless YouTube tutorials from various traders sharing their knowledge and tips and tricks at how to really understand the market because before it was like learning Latin, but now I am fully aware and understand the market and won more back-tests then I made loses thankfully.

The outcome for this whole gig is to eventually to become financially free and make the pips pay for the bills.

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Hi and good luck :slight_smile: regards Greg

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Thank you, ProfesorPips! Happy trading.

Hello and welcome, Will! Congratulations on your progress! I hope you will also share your knowledge in this community. Looking forward to hear more from you. Good luck and see you around!

Hello Will! Welcome to the community. Hope to hear more from you in the coming days.

It’s really great that you finally decided to do it. Better late than never, right? It’s just as cool that you’re looking for support on the forum. Sometimes it can be very difficult to start something new, especially on your own. I think you’re gonna do just fine and be a very successful trader.

Becoming financially independent is just a wonderful goal. Any motivation is only good for trading. The more motivation you have, the better and more successful you’ll try to do everything. Don’t be lazy to find new information online and try to become the best. It is useful not only in trading, but also in life.