Hello this is my introduction to the community

Hello my name is Lin I live in North Wales, England.
My journey in FX started when I had the fantastic idea to trade 2019/20 I did some research online and I joined a broker in Cyprus who was FCMA (think that’s right) approved and my journey began . I was brand new to trading with NNNOOOO idea I followed all the trades my account manager suggested and in the first 2 weeks I had trebled my account, to a considerable amount, then it started going sour, I was moved from 1 person to another then another with the trade amounts getting bigger and bigger I suppose being new and in the red I PANICKED not understanding that it’s OK to be in the red (I knnnooow that NOOOWWWW) :blush: closed my trades and lost a ton of money that I had accumulated. They then sent communication to me saying that they were not able to broker people from the UK anymore and I had to close my account. With all the fees etc., etc., I came away with less than half of what I started with.
WIND FORWARD…(after the shock had dissipated) decided to learn … joined MTI (expensive) learned a lot , joined trend signal (completely different concept), looked on you tube you get the idea, I’m sure you’ve all probably done the same. I’ve even looked into doing more courses on reed… Now I’ve found babypips I’m still learning (as we all are) Getting grips on my emotions when trading is VERY hard for me. I KNOW what to trade, WHEN to trade, HOW to trade currency …but I STILL PANICK …GGgrrrr… maybe I should meditate???
Anyhooo hope to talk to some people who PANICK and some who have conquered their fear (please give tips):slight_smile:
May all your trades be fruitful XX

Hi Lin, it is a pleasure to have you here. I guess what you are looking for is information on risk management and capital management, check these words in the google, or youtube, also use this source, it helps you with the basics of trading and to learn what trading really means: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OgS0fFjDvAI

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Welcome Lin

Welcome to the forum. North Wales is a lovely part of the world, I was there a couple of month ago and walked up Snowdon.

In regards to brokers. As you’re in the UK I would strongly suggest you sign up for a UK broker that allows you to trade via spread betting. It’s exactly the same way to trade as a normal trading account, but you will never have to pay tax on your earnings.

Welcome Lin! Thank you for sharing your story. Be patient and stay motivated in your efforts to learn. See you around and good luck!

Hey Lin, thanks for sharing your trading journey with us! Many of us have been through similar ups and downs when starting out, so you’re definitely not alone.

Try it. Maybe it can help you stay calm and focused.

Good luck and I’m sure you’ll find lots of valuable insights and support here.