Hello! Tina here

Hi everyone!

I’m from Sweden and I hope that the forex trading can give me more econmic freedom in the fututre (like 10-20 years from now).

I joined this site to learn more about forex trading.

My husband started with it a few months ago and intived me to the group/team he follows. They are great and one of the member have said to check this page out. And I find the information here (the little one I’ve had time to read) very easy to understand! :grinning:

So I’m here for the education material. And wanted to have a log in so I can keep track of which lessons I’ve done already. :face_with_monocle:

Best regards Tina


A trading couple?!?! :open_mouth: That’s so cuuuute. Glad your husband convinced you to give trading a chance. :blush: Welcome Tina! :smiley: I hope you enjoy it here and don’t be shy to ask us questions too if you find any while reading the school. :blush:

this is really a cute sounds , first time i experienced about it. happy trading

most welcome in this community , i hope you will like this friendly environment . happy trading

in online from all this is a real educational community, just feel free to use all educational materials. i hope you will be benefited

Wow! Husband and wife trading team. That is such an interesting concept! It wouldn’t work in my relationship,… but you clearly both have similar goals and attitudes to money. @MissTiburtius can I ask you some questions? Do you think this might cause any arguments if you have differences in opinion re: trading strategy? If you lose money, who’s going to be to blame? Who has more formal education in maths/finance/business - you or husband?

Ofcourse you can ask :grinning:

well, I don’t think we will ever argue about money and not the forex trading either. It’s more likely that we will argument about how to raise our kids. :sweat_smile:

We do not share all our money with each other in our household. We do have one House bank account, we’re we both but in money from our salary. These money will cover all our shared expenses, like the loan on the house, electricty bill, food etc. The money thats left in our own bank account is just our own to spend as we like. But we both agree on that you don’t spend money in the forex trading that you can’t afford to lose. So we don’t trade together, we have one account each for the forex trading.

So if we lose money it’s just your own mistake but it shouldn’t affect our way of living. But we both know that we will likely lose money time to time but hopefully we will make more profit then losses in the long run.

Neither of us have any education in maths/finance/business. But I do think that I’m the more economic person in our relationship. I don’t have an urge to buy stuff while my husband is a sucker for all cool electric gadgets.

I’ve some stock funds that I’ve been saving in for several years (on and off depending on my own economy), so when I was on matarnity leave I made some calculation of how much i had to save each month to become a swedish millionaire (100 000$). And I think my husband was inspired by me then, cause he haven’t saved any money. And the thing is that he is 19 years older than me. So I think it hit him pretty hard, that when I’m at his age (even a few years younger) I could be a millionare while he have no savings at all. So then he started with forex trading with the goal to be able to retire eralier than the govermant says. And then he told me to join in as well.

My goal is not to retire when he does, but I might want to be able to cut down in working time. Maybe work like 50 or 60 % of an oridnary work day. :woman_technologist:


Well good luck! Wishing you every success.

Welcome. You’ve got a lot of time to learn.

Don’t rush into anything fast, trade on demo and learn a strategy/become profitable first.

Hey Tina, your husband has surely got you on the right journey. Go through the lessons on babypips and once you are through your learning, practice on a demo account.

Great to hear you’re both getting involved. That will help with accountability down the line and also from a psychological point of view being able to talk to someone close to you who understands the stresses will be very helpful.