Hello, traders!

I am new in trading. I found this world exciting but not easy to deal without some knowledge. I signed up here because I want to be part of this cool community and learn the basis of trading with the support of all of you. I hope the get a consistent income from trading. Thanks in advance for any help that you all can give to each other.

You should try working instead, because the FX market is not a consistent income provider. There is no short cut to success, ever.

Understand that the FX market is a highly volatile zero profit and loss venture. Every trade you make either wins or loses. So that includes expenditure on your part. So focus on learning how not to lose money instead to protect your account. Without capital you cannot trade.

This is the reality, not social media marketing hype which is mostly fantasy land. Best of luck learning from this great education site.

Welcome! It won’t be an easy journey. Take your time learning and getting the required skills to become a profitable trader. Best of luck!

Put ideas of a consistent income to one side. Your first big goal is learn how not to lose money long term in these markets. It’s a tough business and learning alone won’t get you where you need to be. Set good habits early, put an emphasis on practice as well as education and focus on process. Money follows good trading only.

consistent income is really a challenging issue, first of all, needs a long-time learning mentality, without it there is no way to survive successfully in there.

Thanks to everyone for your replies. It is good to know that I am not alone in this journey. You all are right; learning is the main goal and not losing money the real challenge. Cheers.

Welcome to the community, @Mikitrader. Hope to hear more from you in the future. Good luck on your fx trading journey.