Hello World - New Beginning

I’m very excited to return to this forum. I am currently 18 years old, and this will be my second attempt (new start) at learning Forex.

Back Story

To put it simply, on my first attempt, I entered the world of forex without a plan and with the vague goal of making some quick cash that could be tied to a variety of different factors. I also dove headfirst into various areas of forex, which left me feeling extremely confused and unfulfilled.

The Present

Unsurprisingly, I fell short along the way. But I hope to change that, and I am very excited to learn from all of you wonderful people here! Please leave any helpful hints or advice in the comments section. Thank you so much.

Keep cool, calm and collected while trading FX. Being excited is the fast track to failure.

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most welcome to this community, and have a very good journey on there. happy trading.

cool mind is really important above all when choosing a perfect broker , because the broker can affects the result of our trading with certainly.