Hi Bper’s,
My name is John E. Putman II, I’m a former CTA and Money Manager and have been around Forex for a little over ten years now. In 2009 I left retail Forex for a sabbatical - I was the head analyst and compliance officer at FXStreet at the time - so I could return to my roots which is research. My trade model had started to suffer in 2007 after five years of serving me well. I’ve always believed if you’re going to be in a position to lead people you have to be able to do what you’re recommending. Unfortunately in our world (FX) that is rarely the case.
For the last four years I’ve researched, camped, hiked, explored (lost 60lbs.) and eventually returned to trading. Now that I’ve gotten myself back in the grove I’m beginning to get the itch to write and interact with other traders again. Hopefully some of my experience will be of value and on the other side of the coin maybe some of you can teach this old dog some new tricks. Looking forward to getting to know you . - JP
(I originally posed this in the sticky thread… mean to start a new one - sorry. - JP)