Helloo, my intro to this new chapter

I say I’m still a beginner in trading, I’ve known about forex for a couple of years but never took it seriously to put in quality time and effort which I am willing to put in this time around! I’m eager to learn so much, i know this isn’t for the weak, and will take a lot of trial and error. But I’m all here for it! My motives for this is for the freedom overall, financial freedom and the help I can be to my family, especially to my parents who’ve worked so hard their entire lives. I’m the person who’s going to make a generational difference in my family line for the future. Haha thanks for reading this if you made it this far (:

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To eventually succeed you would need to detach your mindset from making money. Focus on your profitable method and process and let rewards, if any, take care of themselves.

Why? Because money causes an emotional reaction. Always. If you accept that, focus on percentages instead.

Best of luck.

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Welcome to the community! It takes time, patience and dedication to be successful in this journey, Good luck and see you around!

patience is more important in Forex trading , because success in there is related with long time issue , nothing without it.

this place is really good for all kinds of traders especially for the beginners level , so i hope you will be educated from there by learning , so keep patience that is challenging part of any beginners.

hi and welcome , have a good journey . best of luck

Welcome to the community, @Khamilaathrive. Just be patient as you go through the learning process. Good luck on your fx trading journey.