I agree with all of the above posts…
To the OP: the ‘problem’ with trading is that it is not like any other skill, where you are taught how, say, to fix a computer
and you will be trained… Humans make computers predictable in behaviour, but markets are unpredictable: even after
becoming skilled at the technical side of trading, there is the art of managing your own fear and greed. Everyone recognises
these two as great problems: we, as humans, are trained since childhood to cut out things that hurt us, and we learn to crave
what makes us feel good. In trading, if we were to obey these learnt behaviours, we would struggle to emotionally cope with
being at once glad of losses (=Stops) and of not wanting more (=greed). Trading is like no other business, and it does not pay to
greedy in it, because it is a slow burner… The high leveraged euphoria of easy ‘big’ winners can, and inevitably does, lead to
stomach-churning losses, if we do not understand how easily we are led into greedy trades through the ecstasy of those ‘easy’
wins. As ayyaz7 said, a lot of trading is to do with our own psychology, and as much as, if not more than, our technical skill.
Good luck, suyogya.
Happy trading.