Help...need a UK based broker

Hi everyone,

Been using Etoro and I am very disappointed with their responses to my problems, ie unable to access my real trading account for about three weeks !! So I want to move my account to a more relaible broker and to one that supports Metatrader 4. Preferably UK based, the international calls to Etoro are costing me a fortune.



try Alpari UK they are FSA regulated, a lot of them now have UK branches that have the regulation, Oanda is my personal fav.
FXcm have a good platform spreads are a bit bigger though.

Both FXCM and GFT got UK based offices, and both are ‘serious’ actors in the FX industry.

Thanks for your help, going to give Alpari a go…

I have been with ETX Capital for just under two years, delighted with them - easy withdrawals, decent spreads, never had any negative issues. They even gave me £100 when I signed up!! (Although I don’t know if they still do that)


Good luck! You’ll need it:

So how was Alpari? I’m not getting any positive feedback from them.

All things are difficult before they are easy.