I signed up for a forex signal service. Naming no names, so far it’s been pretty good to me, but the last couple of days, well. It turns out that I’ve misjudged the lot sizes, using 0.05 when I should have been closer to 0.01. (I changed 0.05 to 0.01 after a few of the trades had opened, but the really big losers are 0.05s). To top that, the signal service EA has set up these shorts on EUR pairs…
Eurjpy 103.808
eurjpy 104.710
eurjpy 105.701
eurjpy 106.082
gbpjpy 103.134
eurusd 1.29001
eurusd 1.29277
I’m sure there were very good technical reasons for opening at these points, it’s just that, well, with the euro being the way it is at the moment, and holidays in us and japan, I’m getting absolutely creamed on these positions (currently 30% of my account down).
Can this get any worse ? And should I kill all positions, or hope for a retracement ?
Yours in a state,