[Help Please] Give Me Best 15 Minute entry and exit stratage

Hello Dears, I already lost 300$ plus in stock option buying and I decided to stay way from option buying. Now I will trading on stocks only as a intraday. Please give me any 15 minute or 30 minute entry exit stratage which is 90% risk free and profitable
thanks in advance

Entry and exit strategies don’t normally depend on the timeframe.

What does “90% risk-free” mean?

If you mean “90% win-rate”, that’s certainly very easy (but almost never profitable).

Sorry if I’m unhelpful, but my guess is that a beginners forex forum maybe isn’t the greatest place to ask about a stock options strategy?

Sure, let me go in my closet and grab the holy grail for you at no cost to you in money or effort. :joy:
Sorry, your post makes me laugh :joy::joy::joy:

Have an entry criteria and stick to it. If you don’t have confirmation that the criteria has been met, then don’t enter the trade.

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Ok I am sorry for the word 90% risk free and profitable

Please give me any profitable day, 1 hour or 15 minute trading stratage

US Bonds are 100% risk-free & guaranteed profits. Currently +4.2% per year. Bonds are still really low. Great investment.


It doesn’t work that’ way. There are tons of strategies online where you can adopt any. The hardwork is in studying and backtesting it till you are confident enough to go live with it. Am sorry, but no shortcuts.

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start here


The one that is simple and also profitable is to enter sell when RSI is over 70 and MACD shows weakness in but, also enter buy when the same thing happens the other way. Also check the candles for confirmation.

Follow Trader Tom Live Day on You Tube from Monday or on Telegram. He is live for one hour when London opens and another opening when US opens. Both are indices stock trading

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hi i have traded for 7 years and i usually trade on the 15- or 30-minute time lines. i usethree moving averages and the cross-over points are my entry and exit points

Again, @BimolDas , the key thing for you to understand, and the one thing from this conversation that may actually benefit you, is to appreciate that entry and exit strategies don’t normally depend on the timeframe.

No criticism implied, but without understanding WHY that’s so, any answers you get can’t really be helpful to you, I think, and may even be actively misleading. In other words, what I’m trying to say (as politely and supportively as possible, I hope!) is that you’re actually asking a really “bad question”, here, because it’s one that rests on an assumption which is itself pretty seriously mistaken.