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[quote=“CompassionateTrader, post:19, topic:852891”]
In fact, there are many disadvantages such as not having enough volume to move market s
Come on Roger say something inspirational on here,what instruments would you advise to trade and which to leave,as a newbie
What set ups would you advise someone to look for

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Are you a day-trader?

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That a really good question.It relates to a few posts on here what you written regarding taking profits.In an ideal world we all be either daytraders or trend traders.Preferably I like to close a trade after the end of USA with a decent profit .I trade alot of ranges so this is not always the case .

Thank for your reply

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WOOW. That’s amazing defiantly want that one day. I will defiantly hit you up for help…

Hello iam intrested in learning fx iam realy strugling

Hey! Hope you all are doing great. I am new to this forum :relaxed: