Here we go into the unknown

Hi all, long term investor and new dad to twin girls here. Been very lucky in my day job to be on a very comfortable wage but struggling to hit that work life balance with two new babies in the house.

Looking to forex, among others avenues as a potential means to bolster income and give a little bit more freedom to work from home in the longer term. Fingers crossed.

Keen to learn as much as possible here so looking forward to diving in

Welcome aboard. You will soon learn that FX is highly speculative, not a cakewalk to immediate success, mainly because it’s a profit and loss venture, not an income source per se.

You will need to put in the hours to learn the basics, and then practice and experiment on a demo account until you’re comfortable with going live. A simple strategy and a focus on process is essential.

Then that’s a whole new ballgame, where you’ll find out whether your emotional control is solid or not. That means you need to know yourself inside out.

Best of luck on your journey.

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