Here's how Wall Street "trading" is rigged

Mike Norman points out the nefarious forces day traders are up against…

Worth a listen to the full 22 minutes… Might wake a few from their delusion of making the fast dollar…


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Terrific lessons from someone who knows.

Nearly 20 years ago a trader friend was told by their brokers’ account managers at a seminar, “You will never win day-trading. We see you coming.”

I especially like the focus on investing for children and grand-children. Not that I have any but if you’re not focused on multi-decade investment, you’re not an investor, you’re a cash machine in a Ponzi scheme for the investment industry. All this 2-year and 3-year and 5-year “investment” stuff is BS.

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Definitely something I fell for a bunch of times within the last 5 years, sadly.