Look for a good broker. Me i got liteforex
Start with a demo account
Once you become good open up a real forex account
Look for ones you can open up for like $1 , $10, $25 , etc
If you want to get a FREE signal Provider. Say like babypips. (which has Very very Profits ratings
No is born a Forex trader or a Professional Forex Trader.
Believe when i sat this: Banks have Signal providers too. ( meaning they have to get thier signals somewhere. ,
It should only take one 15 - 20 minutes to buy or sell
Be VERY, VERY careful when using bots, The forex sysytem change every day , second, minute, etc.
Don’t put all of your eggs in one Basket… Wel thats it
You make no sense at all! Where did you get that information from? Wherever it was I’d stop listening to that source as it’s completely wrong.
Im glad you said something, because that didn’t make any sence either but hey i saw a tv ad about
- there’s an awful lot of chaff among the wheat.
You mean you’ve been selling [B][I]and [/I][/B]buying all this time. What a noob!!
You’ve probably been trading on even numbered days too, haven’t you?? Everyone knows the big banks only trades on odd numbered days.
you know what yes you are right… So you mean odd number days are Monday, wednesday and friday too?
I guess it’s best to clarify: Phil was joking.
sorry I don’t have anything more constructive to say… just can’t help myself…
good one i like that.
I do you know of any forex broker that is better then liteforex?? if you do please tell me
hehehe, Gotta love the English Language