Hey All, Love babypips!

I just wanted to say, babypips is the BOMB!! Now that I just retired, I have a good part of my day to dedicate to learning the Forex markets using a demo account and hopefully within 1-2 yrs, I’ll be knowledgeable enough to trade live. I believe that babypips will help me greatly down that path and am I ever so grateful to have come across babypips.


Hello and welcome to the community! Sounds like you have a lot of time to dedicate to trading and also that your goals are reasonable. I hope to see you around on the forums. :grin:

Welcome aboard. It took me eight months practising on a demo account to be confident in going live. Which is a whole new ballgame as you’ll find out it’s more an emotional challenge than anything else.

On your demo account, aim to develop a profitable strategy plus a strict process you could stick to for every trade you make. Then learn how to detach your mindset from whatever the market throws at you because you have only one control, which is risk exposure.

Best of luck.

Love the enthusiasm! :blush: Hahaha. I certainly hope you can sustain this interest in forex. :open_mouth: It might take a while before you fully get the hang of it, but I love that you’ve managed your expectations. :blush: It definitely doesn’t happen overnight. :sweat_smile:

Thanks Haven,
I think my biggest issue is going to be disciplining myself and not giving into my emotions. I know the forums will be an awsome resource and am looking forward to it.

Thanks Steve,
Congratulations on 8 months. You’re absolutly right, the emotional challenge is going to be the toughest part of it all. Cutting losses and taking profits according to a preset plan is the way to go and not thinking 'It’s going to come back up soon if I just hang in there etc…"

I need to learn a lot more about risk exposure because I believe that’s were the money is. ‘It’s not how much you win but how much you don’t lose’, if that makes sense. It’s time to put on my Vulcan thinking cap on and have the ability to trade detached from my mindset and without emotion.

Thanks Ria,
I appreciate the words of encouragement. Right now my mindset is not on making money but instead, to learn the craft and be consistent, with money being the eventual goal. The book by Marcel Link knocked a lot of sense into me as far as what to expect, including my first few blowouts, which will be learning money (kinda like paying tuition).

In the meantime I’m reading, youtubing and absorbing all I can. I hope to sustain my interest in Forex for the near and distant future.

Hello. Nice to meet u all!