Hey everyone I’m here to learn what forex has to offer

What’s up people I’ve seen plenty of people trying to charge you lumps of cash to teach you forex trading but it’s nice to know that this is a free place

Yeah, don’t pay. It’s one big scam. You’d be better giving that money to charity.

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Welcome to the community! Enjoy the free trading materials here. Good luck on your trading journey.

There are tons of free stuff on the internet. :open_mouth: YT also has a lot of free videos you can check out! :blush: But since you’re here anyway, might be best to maximize the free school here. :smiley: Good luuuck!

Welcome to the community, @_MJswag. There’s just too much free resources online. It doesn’t make sense to spend for something we can get for free. Good luck on your fx trading journey.