Hey everyone I'm Christian

hey everyone, my name is Christian and I’m from Cape Town,South Africa. I’m a newbie at trading (have absolutely no clue what it is and how it works) I’m open to learning about it and reaching crazy heights with it :slight_smile:


Happy to see you. :smiley:
As I know you can start through: Learn How to Trade the Markets

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Hi Christian

Welcome to the forum. Before you start trying to trade I highly recommend you head over to the School of Pipsology to learn the basics. Without the basics you may as well just have a fire and burn all your money!

Learn How to Trade the Markets (babypips.com)


Hi and welcome in BP community :slight_smile:

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Welcome Christian! The School here is a great place for newbies to start. Take your time, be patient and stay motivated as you go through this journey. Good luck!

Welcoooome! :blush: Forex would definitely be a challenge, especially as you’re starting out, but I hope you work hard and power through. :blush: If you ever have any questions, don’t be shy to ask! :blush: Good luuuuck!

Welcome Christian I’m also from South Africa, Pretoria. This Platform will really help you to achieve your goals. Start of first at the School of Pipsology and it will help you with the basics.

Happy to have you here

Welcome to the community, Christian. Start with the education section here if you haven’t checked that out yet. It’s the best place to start for beginners.

Hey Christian! We all start somewhere, and this is the perfect place to learn and grow. The community here is really supportive, and we’re all here to help each other out. Best of luck on your trading journey, and enjoy the ride!