Hey everyone, Seth from Fl

Hey, name is Seth. 39 years old. Working in a restaurant for awhile now. Looking to make extra money at first…and hopefully down the road make this a full time gig.

That’s the market’s job. Yours is to learn how not to lose money or you’ll have the market take it from you.

Hello Seth! It takes time to be a profitable trader so be patient as you go through your trading journey. Good luck!

Helloooo Seth! :smiley: I’m glad you’re giving forex a go. :smiley: With everything being so expensive, any extra source of income is welcome. :sweat_smile: But forex won’t be easy and it would take some time before you’re profitable. :open_mouth: I hope you see it through though! :smiley: Good luuuuck!

Hi Seth! I hope that things work out and that we see you around on the forums from time to time. :grin: