Hey from Cape Town, South Africa

Hey guys.

Been browsing this forum for a while now.

Learning stuff, been thru the school of pipsology:), demo traded a bit, live traded a tiny account that I blew:), took a break, learnt some more, demo’d a little more & plan to go live soon.

Hope babypips will be home thru out my trading career…

Hi Sadiq, I am from Durban South Africa. I also attempted to trade but things did not go well. I just wanna find out how things going on your side and can you please help me get better with trading Forex. After blowing my cash in my first try I am now scared of trying again but i don’t want to quit. Any help will do.

Hello Sadiq
You said you went thru “school”. Are you testing your plan? I suggest you do & do not trade much now. USA HOLIDAYS, so market is slow. Best to you.

Buddy, all I can say is learn all you can, first test your strategy & be successful demo’ing, then put real money on the line. I’m just glad I blew a relatively small amount first time around.

I’ve read tons of material, some helpful, others not…thing is I am enthusiastic about this so I havent really given up, I continued learning. I am excited about going thru ICT’s stuff, just havent had the time…I plan to during my end of year leave.

Dont worry pipstasista, will make sure my strategy is bullet proof before my next real encounter:) Only planning to go live again in march/april.

Hello Sadiq,

I am from Cape Town. How is the trading going so far? I am a newbie and I will like to see how you made it if you don’t mind :slight_smile:
