Hey from Scotland

Hey, hope you’re all doing well. I’m Grant, 26 years old from Scotland. Found out about forex about a year ago and thought I would love to try it out someday. Only recently I’ve found enough free time (thanks to COVID) to educate myself on the subject before throwing money into an account and losing it all. Going to be working through the education on this site and hopefully be on the forums regularly.


Welcome to the community, Grant. Just be patient as you go through the learning process. Good luck.

Yes, good sensible mindset. Welcome. The reality is it will take at least 8 months of damn hard work learning to graduate to being a break-even trader without any guarantees of making any money - unless of course you want to gamble - which is mostly why over 90% of newbies fail to last the course.

Treat it seriously like a new business, and you’d be on track. Best of luck.

most welcome in baby pips family , its a most friendly forum we have in online from all , i hope you will enjoy the environment with new level of learning. happy trading.

learning is important its true besides this its more important to trade in a demo account for practicing , without practice any level of trading can be useless.

For education, you are at the right place. This site definitely has good learning material. Just gve it your best, and learn with patience. Rushing won’t fetch you anything here.

Welcome to the Forum Grant!

I’m from Scotland too and recently started to learn here. The forums are full of excellent advice.

The School of Pipsology is worth studying too!


Covid-19 changed our lives to a great extent. Some people lost so much while there are many, who gained so much. I saw a huge increase in the number of new forex traders who started their career. As you have started to trade forex, I am sure that you are ready for all the hard work and effort that you will have to put in the market.

Your emotions have a great impact on your trading career. When you can’t control your feelings, you may either overtrade or not trade at all. Both situations can have a negative impact on your career.