Hey guys Im new to babypips!

Hi, I am a Mathematics school teacher hoping to learn how to get started with trading. A colleague from work introduced me to nonsenseforex which brough me here. I have been interested in learning how to trade properly for a while now and I’m really looking forward to it!
My dream or end goal is to have trading be my passive income on the side along with property and other types of investments :wink:
Any advise for a rookie trader?

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Just bear in mind that FX trading is a high risk negative sum profit and loss venture. Which means both income and expenditure. Your only control is risk exposure, so aim to preserve your capital all the time.

Best of luck.

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Helloooo! :blush: Happy that you’re giving forex a chance. :open_mouth: I wouldn’t necessarily say it’s “passive” income, but it definitely helps! :blush: Have you started checking out the school here? :slight_smile:

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Sorry yes not passive I know I have to put it in the work. I meant my other investments. I have not seen the school. I only started with the courses

Thanks for the advise. I understand the risk involved. I hope I can apply strategies when I’m trading and not get overwhelmed with the market though. That I still need work on