Hey guys, my name is Abdellatif

Hey guys, my name is Abdellatif, I was born on December 02 2000 in Agadir , I have taken a licence in (GESTION DES ENTREPRISES ) "business management with acceptable merit :slightly_smiling_face:
so i’m here today because of the advice of my teacher to learn and work on FOREX.
I hope from your site that i learn well in it and control everything related to Forex trading, and i will certainly recommend it to my friends who are interested in it, to learn in baby pips.

It’s not really a dream or fantasy :sleeping::sleeping:.For some, it can be a rollercoaster of a journey.One needs to be grounded for success.

Welcome Abdellatif! If you haven’t been through the School of Pipsology yet, you should check it out. It’s the best place to start. Good luck!