Hey Guys , new to Forex but ready to Learn.
Welcome. You can start your learning journey by pressing the green education button above. be prepared for hard work, so take it easy, one step at a time. if you like what you see and read, you should compose a plan to show where you are now, where you want to be at a future date, and how you’re going to do achieve it.
best of luck.
Welcome welcoooome. I hope you enjoy it here. It won’t be easy but I hope it’ll eventually be worth it.
Hello and welcome, for basic learning you can start with babypips. They have good resources. Learn Forex Trading at School of Pipsology - BabyPips.com . Also be careful about mentor. You might get scammed.
Hi and welcome to the forex community! Start with obtaining the basic forex knowledge and then move to other things.
It’s a good mindset to learn and grow. Forex trading is a moving market. What you see at one moment is not what you see at another. The earlier you learn this, the easier your trading career becomes. Try to move with the market and don’t go against it if you are not sure about what you are doing.
Forex trading won’t be easy if you don’t know how to control your emotions. Don’t let your fear or greed come in your way of making trading-related decisions.
We were all beginners once. It has been our experience that made us the traders we are today. So keep learning and keep improving your strategies to stay consistently profitable.