Hey guys, newbie alert

I lost R10 000 with systems and now I just wanna learn forex properly, conquer it and bring back my money :sweat_smile:. Probably get some change for a vacation.

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If you continue to focus on money you will continue to lose it. Aim to develop a profitable method and stick with it.

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Good point, many of my losses were mainly because I only saw the money and I didn’t even have a strategy for entry and exit or even risk management. Thank you for the heads up. :+1::grinning:

hi and welcome , hope this journey will be knowledgeable and awesome.

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learning is important , no way to deny but besides this learning we the traders have to make sure all others inevitable part of trading.

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as a best part of trading i prefer demo account which is very supportive to acquire live trading knowledge and experience.

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demo is important , agree. but besides this micro account is also important.

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You shouldn’t be too hasty in trading things, take time my friend, first learn forex completely then you are ready for making a trade.
Best of luck!

I hope you manage to turn things around!