Hey, I'm new here!

Hey everyone! I’m new here. My goal with trading forex is to become financially free. I am a beginner trader who does not know much about the market but I’m ready to learn.

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I trust you have a ten year plan in place. That’s what it takes, not social media marketing hype which is mostly fantasyland.

Great to see another newbie. A piece of advice, focus on the process and not the monetary gains.

Yes, I’m in it for the long haul :slightly_smiling_face:

Thank you. Will do.

Hello and welcome! I’m rooting for you and hope that you manage to achieve your goals in the future. Good luck!

Thank you. You as well.

Isso mesmo aprender novos conhecimento é muito para crescimento pessoal, portanto desejo sucesso para voce

Hello there, As a beginner, take a course (school of pipsology is great too) or watch some Youtube videos to understand the market easier. A great tip that may help you would be to create a plan before you start live trading, so you’re able to identify what works for your style. Good luck.