Hey there, I'm glad to be here

Hey, I’m Johan

I’m a software engineer by trade and have been wanting to learn about the stock/forex world for years, and finally decided to start dipping my toes in the water and start learning.
I’ve done one or 2 courses on Udemy so I know some basics, but I know it’s not nearly enough and still find myself confused about how to actually use what I’ve learned thus far.

Next steps? For me, it’s to go through the babypips course and really just try to make some friends along the way that can help me to keep going.
I find the hardest part of learning anything and not sticking to all the things I’ve tried is that I don’t have anyone to do it with and share my experiences with.

Anyway, thanks for having me and I hope to befriend some of you along the way :slight_smile:

All the best for your journey.

Hi @Crintus
You will find many friends on here who will answer your questions and discuss your experiences if you structure your questions in a good way. I suggest you start by clicking the Education button at the top of the page and start the Babypips School of Pipsology including the quizzes. Since you are a software engineer you will probably be interested in coding some automated plans and test them with a backtesting software. I am currently doing some testing of a back testing application called Forex Tester 5. You can download a free basic account - here is a link:

Welcome to the forum, and get those Pipsology quizzes completed. :slightly_smiling_face:

Hey there,
I’m Francis

Hey Johan,

Nice to meet you. I am Pwn. Forex can indeed be a lonely job, so welcome!
It is good to have people who support you as forex takes a lot of your effort. However that is also the reason why it needs to come from within yourself. Make sure to stay strong.

Good luck! Developer and trader sound like a really good combo! I can see you potentially creating your own EA when you get really good at trading!

In my opinion, you should complete your whole previous course first. After that babypips course.

You should first learn the forex. Think about stock later. In my opinion, forex is easy compare to stock.

Nice to meet you Johan! Wishing you luck out there :four_leaf_clover: