Hey y'all i wanna get tips on trading

I’m New here and need Guidance i wanna start making a lot off money so i can be more free

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Welcome. Open a demo account and Google up a simple objective strategy for your first attempt at trading. At this point you don’t need to be a winning trader, just a trader who understands why your strategy works when it works and why it doesn’t when it doesn’t.

Don’t worry if this target does not sound very ambitious - many traders never even make that target.

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I recommend that \your first source of guidance should be using the search functionality of this website. There’s a lot of educational content available here.

Not showing any initial effort on your part won’t really motivate others to help you.

A key reason why forex traders fail is a lack of expertise. Some traders do not study thoroughly, while others believe they are ready to risk their money after only a few chapters. Some people don’t spend enough time testing their methods, while others are too eager to trade in real time.

Well that won’t happen unless you have a lot of money to gamble, overtrade and risk blowing your account - and get lucky.

Ignore social media marketing hype, it’s mainly fantasyland.

Welcoooome! :blush: I definitely agree with what the others have said here. :smiley: Learn as much as you can and start with a demo account. Have you checked out the school here? :blush: If you have any questions, don’t be shy to ask us here! :blush: Good luuuck!