I call myself Lady Greatness (somebody’s gotta do it} and I’m excited to learn about trading! I do this for financial freedom and like most of us, I’m trying to quit the dreaded day job. I’ve been self teaching and I heard about this website more than once. Now I’m here! and hopefully this will serve as another resource to taking me to the next level. Good luck everyone!
Just focus on education and let any rewards take care of themselves. Stay calm, cool and collected when trading FX. Best of luck.
As Steve says, focus on process over outcome. You are learning medicine and practicing so that you can effectively work without killing people more often than not. In trading you are doing the same but with a capital balance.
Your name implies you’ll do well !
Welcome aboard lots of quality content here yo delve into and start off on demo keep learning and hopefully that leads to earning
Welcome to the community, @LADYGR8TNESS. It might take some time but just be patient as you go through the learning process. Good luck on your fx trading journey.
Hey, welcome to the forum! As you are saying that you want to leave your job, I won’t suggest you do that so soon. It takes time to make money from forex. You must first taste it before you decide to depend on it for a living.
Hey! This forum will definitely help you incredibly. Focus on putting in enough energy and time to learn and you will be golden. All the best!
Hello, welcome to the forum! Your excitement is understandable, wishing you all the best for your dream financial freedom goal! Good luck to you too!
Hi, it’s amazing to have such energy! Just remember, if you do not channel your energy in the right direction, you can end up losing more than you gain. So, learn and practice before you trade live. Patience and determination will go a long way. Keep yourself self motivated and one day, you’ll be able to quit your job and achieve the financial freedom you seek. Best of luck!