Hi, All, back at it again after years leave

I’m new to this community, but not new to Forex trading, but it has been many years so want to give it a try again, but this time with the support of a community! I’m proof that “old dogs CAN learn new tricks!”

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The good news is that trading is a business where “old” is not an issue…but (life) experience certainly is an issue and a very positive one! Good luck with your “new” venture! :+1:

Welcome aboard for the second shot, albeit you have come at a time when the markets are running amock. No sense or reason some days, just crazy order flow on every economic news item. You might as well toss a coin.

Maybe it will settle down when pro institutional traders return from holiday.

Welcome (back)! Study hard!

Hey, it’s great that you chose to get back to trading. It’s a great career if you take it seriously. Just don’t let any distractions make you take unnecessary risks and you will be alright.