Hi all good people 👍

I’m 41 now and haven’t built a career so been working here and there but not making enough money for supporting my daughter and myself. Now we are in lockdown in New Zealand and looks like I don’t have a job to go back to . It’s pretty tough.
I tried in last lockdow options trading digital currency but lost a lot of money . Costed me about $10,000 to figure out i was gaambling my way as a newbie. I wanted to join this community to find someway and learn something so I can make some money from trading to support myself and my daughter. That’s my dream !
Is it right question to ask for ;
Where can i find best indicators and strategies to make money on daytrading ?
Is there a paid service that can help me make money or are they all just rubbish ?
Please someone help me
Many many thanks :pray:t2:

Hello and welcome to the forex world.

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Thank you !

Welcome welcoooome! And I’m so sorry about the money you lost. :frowning: But you’re here now so maybe we can help you out a bit. :blush:

You might wanna check out these threads for strategies and indicators you can use. :blush:

I personally go for Moving Averages. :blush: You can also try the HLHB system if you’re looking for a system with clear entry and exit guides. :smiley:

I’ve seen more people getting scammed by these so I’m a bit cynical about them. :sweat: As much as possible, try to use free materials online. There are lots of videos, readings, resources, etc. :blush:


Hi Ria rose , many thanks for your response ! Appreciate the information you shared .

I only could find this book cslled naked forex which is basically no indicators trading . It’s expensive but maybe worth buying for me. But you said lots of free info online , where would you please guide me on that ? Many thanks