Hi All! Obligatory first post :)

Well, the intro tutorial says to post an introduction post, so here I am!

I live in a small village in Cheshire (UK), and work full time as an IT Manager. I’m into all sorts, mainly VW’s (my and my girlfriend both have VW vans), bikes, 3d printing, flying - you name it, I’ve possibly tried it!

I’ve been looking on an off about trading for a while. I have a little bit of money invested in long-term shares, and will continue to do that for later life, but I wanted to start learning more about the trading side of things.

I’ve been listening / watching things like ClayTrader, Trading Nut etc - however that’s usually when on the move (podcasts only when driving!), but now is the time to dive in and try and learn properly!

Well, that’s me :slight_smile:


Welcome to the community! Sounds like fun, I think this site should be able to help you get more into trading. It’s definitely nice to be able to connect with others that share this interest to share ideas. Good luck :four_leaf_clover:

Thanks - It’s all about the learning!

Hi there! Welcome. Let us know if you have any specific questions or need advice. Youtube vids and podcasts are a fun way to start, they can teach some of the basics, but they can’t teach you a successful trading style.

I agree - I’m starting small by going through the education on here, and hopefully will build my knowledge over time along with the forum!

Love that you have a ton of hobbies! Makes for a very interesting human! Glad to have you here and I look forward to reading more trading-related posts from you! :slight_smile:

Welcome to babypips. You have chosen the right platform for learning. Take your time to learn and enjoy the process. Good luck!