Just wanted to say hi… I am a begginer (half a year) in this pips chasing… Cheers and good luck !! :45:
Hello Paul and welcome to the forums! Have you been through the School of Pipsology already? What do you think? Was it helpful? What do you think we can improve on? Glad to have ya aboard and hope to hear from you soon!
Hey there, Pip… I took some classes at a company last year about trading and they recommended me babypips… I started to read some time ago different things on this website and School of Pipsology was one of my first “lessons”… If there would be some things that I think that babypips team can improve, I will make a topic somewhere… Thanks for the welcoming…
Just a quick question: Could you guide me to a subject or thread or something on this forum where I can make a new topic related to an indicator (I need an alarm on it and I hope that someone could help me) ??