Noob-a-rooney here, looking for good suggestions on brokers that can be trusted with an easy to use platform with tools that are studied upon in baby pips school, my trust of brokers has been burned a bit lately by binary options scams that are everywhere, is there such a thing as a honest broker? So I have decided to learn how to trade myself-here’s hoping this is a good idea? Thanks for reading if you made it this far, take it easy and have a great day!
Greetings Luvcash and welcome! Finding the trading platform and broker that fits your needs is a very personal decision as we all can be very different in our trading styles, capital available, location, etc. It’s probably best to check out our brokers guide in the School of Pipsology for help in finding the best fit for you. But in general, your best bet is to go with a well capitalized and regulated broker in your country. That way, if there is a problem you can’t solve directly with the broker, you have a government agency to turn to. Pretty tough to do with a broker outside of your country. Hope that helps!