Hi everyone happy to be here

it’s nice to be here, been wanting to learn forex for a while, but always got caught up with other things. Finally making the time, and excited to be here. Plan is to learn it well, have fun with it, make some extra money on the side :smile:

Welcome…Happy trading to all of us

to bring extra money from trading not a big deal , just before that you have to ensure some inevitable parts of trading , otherwise you can forget to bring extra income from this market place. hope you got the point. thanks

hi and welcome , whats your basic trading condition at the moment ? have you done the psychology of school from this community which is completely fee.

hi and welcome , hope you will enjoy the environment. thanks

most welcome to baby pips forum. enjoy your stay . happy trading

sounds really good that you willing to learn , besides this you can practice in a demo account.

Hi! Welcome to the forum. All the best for your trading career :slightly_smiling_face: