Hi Everyone, I am new here and new in the forex world

My name is Abdul and I am new to forex, I hope to learn from here and get a funded account and start making money. Let me know any tips on how to get started and what to look out for.

Good luck everyone and happy new year lets make each day count

Hi and welcome in BP community :slight_smile: I think you should learn how to not blow up your account as a start, then learn how to earn :wink: The BP education section will be very good as a start, good luck :slight_smile: Regards Greg

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Welcome Abdul! Take your time, focus on learning and do not rush into trading with your real money. Good luck!

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Thank @baemax023
How long have you been trading forex ?

Hello Greg:

I too am new. I may have posted in the wrong spot to introduce myself. I had someone respond it was not very welcoming :thinking:

May I ask for Babypips where do you suggest to start first to assist in the journey?

Thank you for your time.

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Hello Abdul and welcome!

I was referred here by a very good friend who has been trading for many years.
From the little I know and someone can kindly respond and correct me, do not focus on the :moneybag: I was advised paytience!!! and to master your emotions!

All the best in your journey of mastering to trade.


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Hi and welcome in BP community :slight_smile: as I mentioned before, visit the BP education section :slight_smile: Regards Greg


slooowly getting there and digesting over and over.


Thanks @ProfesorPips for the advice!

No problem :slight_smile: don’t rush :slight_smile:

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