Hi everyone, I’m Audrey from Montreal, QC

Don’t know much about Forex yet, but I’m here to learn. Determined to do so, little by little. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you want to help or give me advice :slight_smile:

Lots of advice on the forums, but yeah - ask me any question!!:grin:

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Welcome Audrey! Have you started with the education section here? It’s a great course for newbies. Enjoy your stay and good luck!

Slowly but surely! :smiley: That’s the way I did it too. :sweat_smile: Haha. Just like what Blue said, if there’s anything else you’re confused about as you’re learning, don’t hesitate to ask. And just to share, I had to repeat reading the school like 3 times before I was able to fully understand everything. :sweat_smile: Point is, I’m a slow learner, and also, take your time. :blush:

Welcome! Always nice to see new faces around here :grin: