Hi everyone, new to trading

My name is Mark Just starting a new venture in gold trading.

Downward trend against the USD. However we could soon be seeing a major collapse of the US stock markets, which would be a buying opportunity.


The uncertainty relating to the outcome of the Russian war against Ukraine. All western economies are suffering inflation, and once Russia starts using nuclear power in an attempt to completely destroy Ukraine, most people will move out of the markets to buy gold.

most welcome in this Forum. you can start with learning , this forum is full of education.

can you please make sure your trading condition right now ? where are you from ?

Hi, gold is such a volatile trading pair; I would like to suggest you to use the EURUSD, GBPUSD type popular Forex currencies first!

Hi Mark! Welcome to the community.

Best thing to do with gold is to actually buy some physical gold every year and hide it under your floorboards. After 30-40 years there’s your kid’s inheritance. Tax free!

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Welcome Mark, Gold can be a tricky one to trade at times

This is the advice of my parents also. :stuck_out_tongue: Hahaha. :smiley: In just 10 years, price would’ve already increased by at least half!

Welcome Mark! :blush: I hope you enjoy your stay in this super amazing community! :smiley: Good luuuck!

Welcome Mark! How has your trading been going? Hope you’ll have great time here! Good luck!

Welcome to the community, Mark. What got you interested in gold vs other markets?

Hi Mark. Why specifically gold trading? Are you totally new to trading or just that asset?