Hi everyone Oluwasegunfunmi

My name is Oluwasegunfunmi, from Nigeria,
I am new here. I found my self here due to my desire to learn forex through a friend, but guest what i am ready to learn everything possible.

Thank you.

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Welcooooome! :blush: I think it’s great you already have an irl trading friend. :smiley: Are they also a newbie or have they been trading for quite a while now? :smiley: Anyway, I think you’re at a great place to get started with the basics so good luuuuck! :blush:

Hello and welcome! I hope you stick with it and wish you the best of luck :four_leaf_clover:

Hunhun very nice of you thank you for welcoming me :money_mouth_face:

Waoo what a simple but powerful advice @ [HeavenRobinson] STICK i think am gonna need this all through my journeying in trading market.

Thank you together we win big. :money_mouth_face:

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Welcome on board! Wow, that’s a long name

Welcome to the community! Have you been through the School of Pipsology yet? It’s the best place to start and get the required skills. Enjoy your stay and good luck on your trading journey.

Welcome to the community, Oluwasegunfunmi. That’s a long name. Just be patient as you go through the learning process. Good luck on your fx trading journey.

Welcome to the forum! This is a great place to get started and learn new skills. I hope you reach your goals. Good luck!