Hi everyone, just wanted to introduce myself properly. Joined this site a long time ago and learned a lot, only just returning to get back in to forex trading after taking a break. Look forward to learning from you all and sharing information!
Hi and welcome (back).
I think past traders who return are far more likely to succeed than those newcomers first time around. It’s a bit like going through a divorce. Second time around you should know the worst of the mistakes that either party to a marriage or partnership should avoid. Whether you choose to learn from your (and your ex’s) mistakes or ignore them will most likely determine your future success.
(From a partner in a second marriage for 33 years)
Thank you, totally agree with what you say!
Welcome on board Paul! How long you been trading?
Wishing you all the best for the future.
have a very good journey on there , i hope you will enjoy the environment with great level of learning.
hi and welcome
Welcome to the forex community.
this community is really supportive at any problem , i hope you will enjoy this friendly environment with great level of learning something new.
hi and welcome