Hi guys I’m here to learn

Hey I’m a new trader trying to learn

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Welcome! :blush: Forex can be complicated at times so don’t hesitate to ask us here and I’m sure people will try to help you out. :blush: Good luuuck!

Welcome to the community, @IOA123. Start by acquainting yourself with the foundational knowledge you will need for trading. Good luck on your fx trading journey.

Hello! Nice to see another new face around :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Hello, welcome to the forum! You need to develop a strong foundation of the basics to make consistent profit in the future of your journey. Stay patient and learn from mistakes. Feel free to ask any questions! Good luck!

Hello and welcome to the community! It’s great to have new traders on this forum who are not unrealistic and know that they will have to learn to make money in the forex market. All the best to you.