Hi guys! My name is Adeolu

I’m from Lagos, Nigeria. I’m a complete newbie ro forex. I believe leveraging on the guidance of this reputable community will make me soar fast and far.

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Probably Mars will be the first stop after WW3 has nuked the planet.

Welcome to the community, @Wodexatop. You’ve come to the right place to learn. Just be patient as you go through the learning process. Good luck on your fx trading journey.

Hi and welcome to the community! You will enjoy and learn so much from all the free materials here. Good luck!

Hello and welcome to the community!
For what my advice is worth, I do believe this site will help tremendously and will eventually get you there, but I wouldn’t use the word fast being that you’re a complete newbie. It will take some time but the hard work pays off later down the road!