Hi guys new here just introducing myself

New to this looking to hopefully start trading but need to learn first.

Hi Esah!
This website has great resources for learning. If you put in the effort and don’t give up, it definitely pays off in the long run. Good luck!

Definitely! :blush: I suggest that you learn as much as you can, and demo trade first before investing real money into it. :smiley: But good luuuuck!

Learning about the forex markets is the best way to initiate your journey into this field. Nowadays new people don’t think that learning is important; earning can only start when you feel confident in the markets.

Hey there Esah, you’re already going the right way by being ready to learn. The Pipsology School can prove to be a great learning source where you’ll get all your fundamentals cleared and within a few months, you’ll be ready to trade. But, always remember that howsoever time you’ve dedicated to learning, practical output will always be a bit different. So start demo trading.

Regardless of your background, forex trading can be quite profitable. You just have to make sure that you learn all the necessary details about the market that can help you make money in the long run. Focus on becoming a knowledgeable trader rather than being a profitable trader.