Hi, i am newbie here

Hi, you all… i am a newbie in forex… i ever heard the forex before but only now i am serious about it. So, here i am… i want to gain some knowledge in this field… i want to change my life, not to be rich but to be free from financial problem… i want to give a good life to my family… i am hoping that i can achieve that all in the near future​:muscle:t5::muscle:t5::muscle:t5::muscle:t5::muscle:t5:

No, there is no short cut to eventual success. Think in terms of years. And ignore social media marketing hype, it’s mostly fantasyland

Glad to welcome you here and good luck with your learning with Babypips Hope you’ll achieve your goals for your family.

Welcome =) The community here is quite responsive and you can be convinced that in case of any questions, you can ask them here. Here are bunch of professional traders, who know how to deal with different situations.
As for forex trading, then the matter is never be afraid of something. Actually, money doesn’t like those ones who are afraid of something. Be stubborn, but remember that forex trading is all about regularities, thus you should analyse, learn and practice a lot. It will help you to form a knowledge base, which will be a good instrument for you when you will trade on a real account.