My name is jason. I am new to forex kind of. But I was wondering how long it takes to become a successful forex trader if you follow the baby pips schooling?
A little about me is I’d like to make forex my career and km going everywhere I can to learn all I can. You Guys Are The Best I Hear, very excited to hear from all of you thank you!
Hi Jason - this is a very common question.
Equate it to how long it takes to become a professional in any other type of industry.
Whether its a sport (say golf), bow hunting, martial arts, cooking, driving, or mastering a language.
The most common addage is you need to crawl before you can walk, walk before you can run … the amount of time/effort you put into establishing a solid understanding of trading (not just forex - but indices as well and other asset classes) alongside your knowledge of economic principles, will typically equal what you “get out”.
There is no half-assing it in trading - if it were easy, everyone would be driving around in Ferrari’s - right?
My biggest piece of advice to any new trader - don’t trade w/ capital you can’t afford to lose - and be honest with yourself, because you will most likely lose most of it (potentially all of it) in the first few months. That’s just reality if you are not careful.